Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Endeavours

I was recently approached by a friend who said she loves the photos that I am constantly posting on my Facebook page. Compliments like this always make me so happy, so I told her this than I quickly added that I was sorry I hadn't posted anything in quite a while. So, what have I been up to?

For years I had been working in a photo shop and shooting, shooting, and shooting.  As the industry underwent drastic changes the business in the store became slower, slower, than slower. Eventually in March of 2011 I was laid off.  In January of 2012 that company went completely under.

So, it was time for a job search! I was hoping to score something in editing as I have experience running a photo lab and am pretty bad-ass at using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. I searched and searched, however it became evident that these positions are few and far between in Baltimore.  Actually, during my search I came across one position that I wanted. Wow. One job. How many people live in this city? Well, I didn't get that job.

So I continued my search. I also continued taking lots of photos.

In the midst of being unemployed I decided to step up my yoga game so I wouldn't lose my mind being stuck in my apartment all day. I had been practicing yoga for a while, going to a class once a week. I decided to step it up to three times a week, and it worked! I am proud to announce that I did not lose my mind!

After months of job searching some serious frustrations began to set in. I started to realize that if I wanted to survive and pay off those grossly accumulated student loans I might have to find something else to do. What else am I passionate about? The answer to that was yoga!

After doing some research on this I have decided to get certified to teach yoga and have signed up for a two year program to become a physical therapist assistant. 

Don't worry though! I am not going to stop taking pictures, and will most definitely continue to book sessions for children and weddings. I just wanted to let everyone know that if you are wondering why I haven't posted anything in a while it is because I am deep in the midst of schooling for these things.

As my education expands into a crazy realm of science that I never thought I would have participated in before, I am starting to see the influence it is having toward ideas in the area of art.  I have been jotting thoughts down and can't wait for summer break as I will then have time to put my ideas into motion and bring some new imagery into the world!

Here are some self portraits I created for a project at school a few months ago. I'm not sure why I didn't share them before, but now they are very appropriate for this post.

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